Puppy Training Ottawa | Bitches Walking Dogs

Reinforce Good Choices

bwd Petcareโ€™s Puppy Training is an foundational part of any puppy training program. We teach you how to use Positive Reinforcement correctly. It sounds easy and it can be if you book us!

Ottawa Puppy Classes | Bitches Walking Dogs

Puppy Basics

These puppy training services will set you up for a lifetime of understanding your dog. That's what you're after, isn't it?

Every dog needs to learn the basic obedience commands like 'sit'. There is a place for treat and/or clicker training; every dog should return to their owner when they are called.

Our dog training method is more basic. It teaches you the fundamentals of how brains work and delves into the brain processes that give rise to behaviour. Then, we show you how you can shape and mold your pups to fit your specific lifestyle.

Your dog wants to make you happy; we teach you how to tell them what does.

 The Puppy
Training Zone

The bwd Petcare Puppy Training Program includes both virtual and in person components for the greatest success!

Free Consultation, Painless Puppy Parenting, Indoor Games, and a Walk Training Session

Train my Puppy Ottawa | Bitches Walking Dogs
Best Puppy Training | Bitches Walking Dogs

Free Video Consultation

Benefit from over two decades of dog experience.

Not sure where to start? Book this meeting and we can have a chat to discuss your needs. Need help choosing which breed you should pick? How do you test for temperament? What breeds are good for kids?

  • 30 minutes

  • Google Meet, phone call, or Zoom

  • Dog owners with any level of experience

  • Professional guidance

Book an appointment to have a chat. It takes a village.

Training a Puppy | Bitches Walking Dogs
Online Puppy Classes | Bitches Walking Dogs

Painless Puppy Parenting

Start off on the right paw.

Puppy training is a lot of work. In this virtual dog behaviour puppy seminar we address the following:

  • Crate Training

  • Feeding

  • Furniture, is it allowed?

  • Leash Manners

  • Bite inhibition

  • Walking Tools (the dos and the absolutely don'ts)

  • Dog Parks

  • Sterilization Timetable

  • Pet Insurance, yay or nae?

... And a few other tidbits. This course is a good way to prepare you for-- arguably-- the most rewarding relationship in your life. This dog training class will help you guide your puppy into becoming a balanced dog that is well suited to your home.

This virtual class is ideal for the first time dog owner. Thereโ€™s no homework.

 Howlinโ€™ Reviews

Ottawa Dog Walker | Bitches Walking Dogs


โ€œ(Stephanie) gave us some fantastic tools to help with our anxious dog and these have already made a difference in behavior in three weeks.โ€

Reactive Dog Training Ottawa | Bitches Walking Dogs


โ€œNo joke, my dog literally runs to the door whenever he knows it's time to meet our BWD walker!โ€

Puppy School Ottawa | Bitches Walking Dogs


โ€œThis is a fantastic service. They are responsible, reliable, flexible, and we completely trust them with our puppy.โ€

Puppy Training Near Me | Bitches Walking Dogs
Puppy Obedience Training | Bitches Walking Dogs

Indoor Games

Homeschool your pup.

This will help both adults and children learn how to set boundaries with your dog and also establish and cultivate human leadership. This dog training teaches you how to communicate with body language.

The games we play are mentally engaging bonding exercises that will increase attention, focus, self-soothing, and can maintain the consistency that you're looking for from your dog training and walking service.

  • Elderly dogs

  • Homes with children

  • New dog owners

  • Puppies aged three months and up

  • Dogs who are full of beans

Learn and practice good habits!

How to Train a Puppy | Bitches Walking Dogs
Basic Puppy Training | Bitches Walking Dogs

Walk Training Session

Congrats on your new family addition!

This is excellent hands-on puppy training. This service is an essential part of an integrated and holistic puppy training plan. How do you teach a dog to walk on leash without pulling or barking? Would you like to gain knowledge to develop healthy habits?

We can help with that. Get started with our Walk Training!

  • 75 minutes

  • Loose leash walking basics

  • Dogs of all ages

  • Dog owners with any level of experience

  • Perfect introduction to behaviour modification

  • Customizable to your situation

There is so much seemingly conflicting information out there. It can all work together you just need some help classifying the information into categories and learning why and when it is useful. There is so much information that it can be quite overwhelming. Weโ€™ll help you make sense of it.

Leash portion of this training is most effective when puppy is a minimum of five (5) months or your little one understands how leash walking works.

Download the app and get started!

Request an account to book a Walk Training Session

 Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question for us that you donโ€™t see below? Get in touch here. We love to answer your questions about our dog walking services, dog training, or dog behaviour educational services

  • All in person dog training occurs at your residence.

  • All Training begins in the home.

  • You can teach an old dog new tricks! We do recommend that in order for you and your pup to get the most out of our Puppy Training program that the on-leash portion of the walk training occur once the puppy is ~5 months of age or older.

    No old enough? No problem! Just do the walk training last!