Dog Behaviour Classes | Bitches Walking Dogs

We Don’t Bite

Need help choosing which human training is right for you?

Give us a call anytime Monday - Friday between 10am and 4pm. If you tell us a bit about your dog and what your dog training goals are we can help you choose from this menu.

The Human
Training Program

Behaviour Consultation

Basic Conditioning

Dog Walker Certification

Fostering 101

Leash Reactivity Seminar

Painless Puppy Parenting

Zoom Dog Behaviour Consultation | Bitches Walking Dogs
Dog Training Behaviour | Bitches Walking Dogs

Dog Behaviour Consultation

Dog training can cost thousands of dollars. And then choosing the right fit for you and your dog can be confusing and difficult. This is the place to start. This is a personalized dog behaviour consultation where we examine your specific situation, steer you in the right direction, and give you customized advice.

In this behaviour consultation we will take the time to understand your goals and breakdown what is not working for you. We help you set achievable dog behaviour and dog training objectives to fit your lifestyle and your dog's personality and breeding. We also chat about how you can best support your dog's needs.

We've got you. We love dogs and want them to live their best lives with the best owners.

A few issues we have examined with past clients include: barking, whining, counter surfing, pulling, lunging, reactivity, etc.

Does your dog have incredible obedience skills but are they still bouncing off the walls? Often, there are a few small changes you can make in your dog's day to day life that can communicate your wishes more clearly to your dog. Dogs aren't mind readers. We always explain what those small changes communicate to your dog.

This is an affordable and effective starting point for your dog behaviour needs.

Dog Psychology Course | Bitches Walking Dogs
Dog Psychology Training | Bitches Walking Dogs

Basic Conditioning

Have you booked the Dog Behaviour Consultation and really need to learn more about how to 'dog'?

Learn the basics of Operant Conditioning and how you can apply those behaviour modification techniques to your canine relationship in a way that everyone will understand. #science

This is great for people thinking about getting a dog or for new dog owners who need some extra support.

Why does rover bark on leash, or scratch when excited, or bark when you are holding the treat, or pee on the carpet, or eat the wall when you leave, or can't calm down, or pulls constantly on leash? It's fun to know why but it's better to understand what you can do about it.

We can help you create your own plan that fits your own life. This class will build your confidence.

**WARNING** May also work for teenagers.

Dog Walking Certificate | Bitches Walking Dogs
Dog Walker Certification | Bitches Walking Dogs

Dog Walker Certificate Course

Being a dog walker is a dream job.

In our industry, it's our job to provide high quality mental and physical exercise. bwd can teach you how to do this job responsibly and to the maximum benefit of your dogs and the humans they watch over (and why retractable leashes like in the photo here aren’t great in urban settings).

We go through an overview of the Canadian pet services industry, the impact of covid19, how to pick a demographic, client relations, which services you want to offer, which walking tools are appropriate, insurance needs, the incorporation process and if you should do that, basic conditioning processes, the differences between obedience dog training and bwd's temperament training as it relates to dog behaviour, and we answer any and all the questions you can come up with.

We're looking forward to hearing all about your new business!

There's currently no regulation in the pet services industry and bwd is creating some based on science and safety. This certificate will raise your confidence.

Ottawa Dog Rescue | Bitches Walking Dogs
Dog Owner Training | Bitches Walking Dogs

Fostering 101

In this short, informative, and affordable dog fostering seminar, we go through the basic things you need to know about dogs and give you a crash course in temperament dog training.

You're fostering because you want to help a dog. Get prepared so they can have the best from you.

Often dogs need help with learning limits and clear boundaries so they can have a successful adoption and integration into a forever family.

In this course we address practical things like:

  • walking tools

  • bark inhibition

  • feeding

  • dog size

  • dog ages

... but also other important things like:

  • dog emotions

  • dog memory

  • overcoming trauma

  • how dogs show love

  • how to show them affection

... and whatever questions you may have about what it's like living with a canine companion.

Leash Reactive Dog Training | Bitches Walking Dogs
Dog Reactivity Help | Bitches Walking Dogs

Leash Reactivity Seminar

Walks don't have to be stressful. Do you recognize any of these dog behaviours?

  • Barking at other dogs while leashed

  • Emotional regulation issues on walks

  • Vocal anxiety

  • Frustration chewing

On-leash walking is important. It offers a vastly different dog training experience than off-leash directed (or often undirected) play. Where is all of this anxiety and frustration coming from and how do you help your dog regulate their emotions? How do you encourage your dog and reward them when they self-soothe? How do you even recognize when they try to calm down?! We can.

Is your dog transitioning from an off-leash play group? Often, as dogs age, they grow out of enjoying off leash play groups. Puppies have a blast, but older dogs don't get the same benefits. As adults, we get together for a meal or patio drinks; we don't go to the playground to play with children. It's the same for adult dogs; they don't usually have the patience to play and teach babies all day.

For humans, this eventuality can make us sad since we think our dogs need much more physical exercise than they actually do. The dogs aren't sad though. They would much prefer on-leash activity with other grown-ups. Unfortunately, they've never learned how to regulate their emotions on-leash. They just need some practice and direction. That's where we come in.

We can teach you how to help them.

Puppy Classes Ottawa | Bitches Walking Dogs
Online Puppy Training Classes | Bitches Walking Dogs

Painless Puppy Parenting

Puppy training is a lot of work. In this virtual dog behaviour puppy seminar we address the following:

  • Crate Training

  • Feeding

  • Furniture, is it allowed?

  • Leash Manners

  • Bite inhibition

  • Walking Tools (the dos and the absolutely don'ts)

  • Dog Parks

  • Sterilization Timetable

  • Pet Insurance, yay or nae?

... And a few other tidbits. This course is a good way to prepare you for-- arguably-- the most rewarding relationship in your life. This dog training class will help you guide your puppy into becoming a balanced dog that is well suited to your home.

This virtual class is ideal for the first time dog owner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question for us that you don’t see below? Get in touch here. We love to answer your questions about our dog walking services, dog training, or dog behaviour educational services.

  • Currently, our human training is only available virtually. Our Walk Training sessions are available in person and they are a great accompaniment to the virtual classes.

    You can book the Walk Training in the bwd Petcare app once you have an account.

  • If you're having trouble deciding which class is right for you, please give us a call or send us an email and we can help guide you based on discussing your goals.

  • Understanding why dogs do what they do and what you’re communicating to them can help deepen your relationship.

    Not only can you create a stronger connection between you and your pet(s) with these classes but you can also learn how to begin to mold your dog’s behaviour using safe and scientific methods.

    We don’t give you a fish. We teach you how to fish.